Folke Rydén Production on occasion welcomes interns to assist with all aspects of the company’s work.
Interns have unlimited opportunities to learn in all skill areas and to become familiar with the documentary community. Interns get practice in the office as well as in the field, occasionally in far away places.
There is no pay, although several previous interns have eventually ended up with a paying job or a freelance assignment within the company.
The best candidate would be interested in taking charge and help, confident enough to ask questions, and tactful enough to know when not to.
Other pluses are: experience in film, journalism, research and office work; driver’s license; computer skills; good written and oral skills in English, being able to work alone sometimes; interest in politics, international issues and society in general.
FRP’s objective is also, on a non-profit basis, to support young and creative ideas and talent through offering technical assistance, facilities and by acting as the executive producer for a range of different documentary projects.
Please email a note and/or resume, and let us know why you are interested. Please write in English.
Folke Rydén Production AB
Box 2337
103 18 Stockholm